Sunday, 28 September 2014

1. My Kundalini Awakening Experience

This post is going to be about the first ever video that I made on YouTube about how I got to know about the reality of this matrix, some stories from my childhood and also my awakening. It took a lot of courage to post this but I'm really glad that I decided to put myself out there.

So after passing out of my college in 2013 I did a job in the corporate world for 1 year and after that couldn't do it because it was sucking the energy out of me. I decided that I would take up freelance Graphic/Ux Design projects and work from home. This was the best decision I have ever made.

All my childhood I was an introvert trying to cope up with the world that believed that extrovertism is the best thing that could ever happen to anyone. I had a few amazing friends and we loved to chill in nature, work on our art and read books. I've always been an empath and since an early age I was soaking up negative energies from my surroundings. But the knowledge I've gained now has really set me free.

What really triggered my awakening? It happened in the early months of 2013. I started feeling weird vibrations and sounds while going to sleep. Once I felt that my whole bed was moving. I got really scared as images from scary movies would cloud my mind. Later that month I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a bluish-whitish light disappear in front of my eyes. I randomly opened my eyes while in deep sleep, it freaked me out. I looked at my phone it was 2:32 am. I had no idea what was happening.

I started asking questions on various forums and got to know about astral projection and OOBEs (out of body experiences). That it might be my own astral body and the sight of seeing myself sleeping made me think about the physical world and woke me up. The vibrations and sounds can be explained by REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. I had had an OOBE one other time when I was 15 and felt like I was floating while sleeping and thought that it was really cool, but didn't really bother about it as I thought it might have been a dream.

I have read almost all books and articles and seen all the videos on YouTube about this phenomenon since then and learnt a lot about astral realms and other dimensions. The worlds that we simultaneously live in, all of us. These teachings have been given to us through the history of time. We were meant to go to the higher dimensions and get in sync with the real being that we are, an eternal soul, that is pure energy. Our consciousness does not need rest and we can gain knowledge higher than we ever thought was possible.

At the end I would just like to say that do not believe blindly in what your religion preaches, what the media/news shows you or what you read in a blog. Ask questions to the real you and find your own beliefs. Live your life to the fullest and believe in miracles because magic is real. See my first video ever for the whole experience.


  1. First comment of first post of the new blog ! wooooot !!

  2. Splendid. Awesome exp and reasons. This is gripping. Familiar with REM but OOBE sounds out of this world �� o.O

  3. Nice work bhoomika :) Good job with blogging
    I am inspired to have one mine now lol

  4. nice blog bhoomi. contrary to above, the astral body, also known as Atma exits the body only when a human dies. Atma is always connected to the AtmaRam, also known as Hridayam, placed at the center of human's chest(from where neural activities take place). AtmaRam is connected to Cerebellum which sends signals to AtmaRam based on which brain is working at night. At night, if your left brain/logical brain/analytical brain is working (process of thinking), you won't be able to sleep. Even if you sleep, you would most probably wake up in the middle of the night (as mentioned in your blog as OOBE)

    1. The body goes into the astral plane when both the sides of the brain are calm. That is when the pineal gland (located in the centre of the brain secretes DMT). The Atma exists whether you are dead or alive. When you die the body is disconnected from the body and then it reincarnates in the 3 dimensional world or goes to the higher planes according to personal beliefs and thoughts. When the body is sleeping and you attempt to astral travel the astral body is joined to the material body by a whitish-blue pulsating chord that is attached to the individual's strongest chakra, it is impossible to break this chord while the person is alive. I will explain the techniques of leaving the body at night while sleeping.

  5. Coming to almost the same path from 2 different directions i guess.. Good to learn about new concepts. Great knowledge bhoomi. Way behind. Cheers. Would like to know about that chord though. Also, the chakra that u r talking about, isn't that the hridayam only Or the athmaram!

  6. The attachment of the chord depends on the individual and his/her chakras. Whichever chakra will allow the most energy transfer through the astral and physical bodies will be the holder of the chord.
