Tuesday 4 November 2014

The trance, and why it's awesome.

The meditative trance state is a simple and natural state of being, it is the time at which the body goes to sleep. We have five types of brain waves, and these brain waves contribute to our all-round development and well-being and are measured with the help of an electroencephalograph or EEG.

The beta (14-40 Hz) is the waking consciousness, the fully awake mind. The alpha (7.5-14 Hz) is a state of light meditation and daydreaming, it increases imagination and visualization power. The theta (4-7.5 Hz) is deep meditation and light sleep. The alpha-theta border (7-8 Hz) is where the magic happens. This state is known as the trance (REM dream state), it is the gateway to the realm of your subconsciousness. This is when the creative power of the mind starts. Your mind can do anything it pleases. Being conscious in the trance gives you a new outlook towards the universe and your part in it.

While meditating, be open and fearless to the fact that you can experience anything. Strong vibrations in the body, very mild electric shocks, warmth and vibrations at the crown/third-eye/throat/heart/solar/sacral/root chakra, alluring smells, mellow music etc. Just don't break the meditation and keep calm. The vibrations at the chakras are the pure light entering you, the source energy, receive it. When you feel the warmth of divinity in your body, everything else just disappears and you have an insight. An insight that changes your life, changes the way you have perceived this world till now. It makes you want to do good, be good, and feel good all the time. Nothing in this universe has the power to make you feel gloomy but you.

Here is the basic explanation of the seven major energy spiral points (chakras) of the energy body that we possess. From the bottom to the top:
The Root Chakra: Located at the tip of the triangular bone at the bottom of our spine, it signifies our relationship with mother earth and being in the moment, for opening this chakra let go of all your fears and insecurities.
The Sacral Chakra: This lies slightly below the navel area and signifies the creativity, sexual energy and passion. You need to forgive yourself for all of the guilt and hesitation that is trapped inside you.
The Solar Plexus Chakra: Located in the middle at the top of your abdomen area and signifies positive use of personal power, the self-determination and motivation that we possess. Let go of any instance or situation that has caused you shame.
The Heart Chakra: Located in the middle of your chest, it signifies the love and oneness of all things. Don't let any kind of grief overpower you and make it difficult for you to give and receive this beautiful medicine.
The Throat Chakra: Located in the middle of the neck signifying our communication and sharing of thoughts. Do not lie as the truth is written in the cosmos.
The Third Eye Chakra: Resides in the centre of the forehead signifying intuition and psychic. Let go of all the illusions.
The Crown Chakra: The top to the head, over the forehead, signifies divine guidance, peace and the universe. Be free of your earthly attachments as this life is a journey and not a destination, fear or hope at this moment decides you future.

As you lie in your bed and reach the theta brain state your vibrations are high, you can guide the energies inside your body through your thoughts (Yep, I didn't believe it either), you have to try it. It makes you feel more in sync with your energy body and realize the power that you possess. The trance that comes after this state is the cherry on top of the cake. It is the borderline of two strong states of being, like an orgasm going through your whole body. While in it, I have felt my whole body flow like ripples that are made at the top of a lake when you throw a stone in it, feeling each and every atom of my body moving in the motion of a wave. I have at most stayed there for 10-15 seconds, although it can be held for hours by experienced yogis. This should be experienced by everyone as holy communications an divine wisdom is received when you go into yourself, as finding yourself is finding God. 

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Being calm in this crazy world.

An out of body experience is when the consciousness makes a transition from operating with your physical body to operating with the astral. Another way to put it is that the person transitions from the physical, everyday reality into a parallel but different dimension. This dimension is more subtle than ours, but always there. It remains invisible to many of us because we lack the physical perception to see into it.

Projection into this parallel dimension is temporary, it can last from a few seconds to a couple of hours in rare cases, but inevitably we must return to the physical body. The process of moving into the astral dimension is dependent on the energetic connection between the physical and the astral body. This connection, sometimes called the silver chord, allows us to travel into the astral dimension and keeps our two bodies connected and safe. It also allows energy and information to flow between the two bodies. The placement of this chord depends on the individual and will come out through the strongest chakra of the body.

The technique of astral meditation is very simple and calming. It helps you to control your mind rather than it controlling you. There is no use in thinking about some dumb thing you said to some person during the day, it does not really matter.

Just lie down on your bed aligning your head to the magnetic north and your feet to the south. Be as comfortable as you can be and just breathe. It's all about 'being present', letting your mind run, and accepting whatever thoughts come up, while practicing detachment from each thought. Stay completely still and focus on your breathing. Look at the light-show happening in front of your eyes, but don't focus on it too hard and don't move your eyes. The trick is to stay completely conscious while your body goes to sleep. While you are still, you will get urges to move, don't give in. After a while you will feel ethereal vibrations starting from your feet, that are slowly moving up. It is actually a beautiful feeling when you experience your body go into rest-mode. Then comes the phase of the hypnagogia or hipnopompic hallucinations. They are visual, tactile, auditory, or other sensory events, usually brief but occasionally prolonged, that occur at the transition from wakefulness to sleep. In this you will hear random sounds or feel that you are somewhere else, doing something else, it's for a second, then you come back.Your mind is trying to hallucinate you at this point. After a few of these, you will hear a ringing sound in your head that will start with a low pitch soft sound and then turn up its volume and move from ear to ear. As the sound increases your eyes will start moving rapidly, this is known as the REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. This is the point when the 'leaving of the body' takes place. If this is your first time, your heart will start beating like crazy and you might get scared (because personally, it is damn scary). But don't be afraid, you do this every night, it's just that you are unconscious and don't notice it. You are now going to feel vibrations and maybe even your whole bed shaking, these are just inside you and are not visible to anyone (if they are watching you sleep). At this moment your astral body is already around an inch away from your physical body. Just imagine yourself floating away from your body or picturize yourself sleep from any point in your room. And if you did reach REM sleep consciously, you will be able to get outside. Just believe you can and you will.

All of this takes time, patience and mind control. So if you're not able to do it in the starting, don't be disappointed as the best things are never easy. I have been practising it for almost a month now and have been consciously out only once, met my spirit guides (I have two), heard the things they had to say to me, things that I have always wanted to know, although I didn't really ask them. I came back with a thump when I saw my own body sleeping. I was awestruck for the next few weeks as I had never really imagined feeling what I had felt that night, it was the most magnificent thing that has ever happened to me.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

5. WHAT IS GOD? And why is God externalized?

“I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong.” 
― John Lennon

While growing up, we are told about a higher power, a God who will always take care of us no matter what. This god resides in the nearest temple/church/mosque/gurudwara according to our elders. This my friends is called 'Religion', believing blindly in what other people tell you to believe, while these other people were also told to believe it by some other people. So where is the truth? Who is God?

I don't believe that God resides in some temple or an idol or a murti that you keep in your bedroom. It would be a disrespect to my being if I was forced to believe that. I'm lucky that my parents never told me what to believe and gave me the freedom to have my own understanding for life and God, and have faith in my own religion. People get disgusted my the fact that I don't visit holy places and get surprised by the fact that I still believe in God. "How is this possible?" they ask me, "You must be a nastik (atheist)."

God is pure love. God is everywhere. God is within us.
Religion is believing in someone else's experience. Spirituality is having your own experience. A prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when you listen to God, so I suggest everybody to include any form of the same in their busy lives as the answers that you seek do not come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still. Have your own understanding of things and the world around you, don't just abide by the norms that the community has made. So, don't go around in search for God, instead find love in everyone and everything.

Monday 29 September 2014

Love and its magnetic field.

"It is the cause of all perfection of all things throughout the universe"
-The Emerald Tablet (circa 3000 BC) 

From the moment we are born, we are always feeling something.
We have the senses to see, hear, smell, taste and touch and they enable us to feel the world around us. These frequencies of feelings can be categorized into either good feelings or bad feelings. All good feelings come from love, and all bad feelings come from a lack of love. Good feelings make us feel positive and happy and bad feelings make us feel negative and angry.

Everything in the universe is magnetic and everything has a magnetic frequency. Our feelings do too. Good feelings mean we're on a positive frequency of love. Bad feelings mean we're on a negative one. Whatever we feel determines our frequency, and like a magnet we attract people, events, and circumstances that are on the same frequency.

Our body has a magnetic field too, a system of energy radiating through our chakras. This magnetic field determines our lives as there is no limit to how much love one can feel. We are absolutely limitless. The serpents around the spine are energy knots or the kundalini.

Our planet is an organism and is very much alive, we are all telepathically connected. The frequencies that we give out affect all of us in a way that is hard to believe. Feel the beauty of a tree giving you oxygen selflessly for your basic survival. Feel the love and gratitude as you wake up every morning.

The frequency of thoughts and feelings in the higher realms is very powerful. In our dimension, thoughts and feelings do not manifest instantly, they take time. But in the next dimension everything in our thoughts and feelings gets created that very moment. So the frequency of feelings that you meditate to will determine your projection. If you project during negative frequencies you will give life to your fears and insecurities, but always remember the power is in our hands. We can choose to feel anything we want so we have to see the 'fear' in the eyes and tell it that we have the power of love. Creating a field of love around yourself also helps in driving the fears away.

Pure love is knowing that we are all one and we all come from one source. Remember that the devil was once an angel too, so let's stop finding faults in one another and start to heal each other, together. So spread love and joy in the world.

Sunday 28 September 2014

1. My Kundalini Awakening Experience

This post is going to be about the first ever video that I made on YouTube about how I got to know about the reality of this matrix, some stories from my childhood and also my awakening. It took a lot of courage to post this but I'm really glad that I decided to put myself out there.

So after passing out of my college in 2013 I did a job in the corporate world for 1 year and after that couldn't do it because it was sucking the energy out of me. I decided that I would take up freelance Graphic/Ux Design projects and work from home. This was the best decision I have ever made.

All my childhood I was an introvert trying to cope up with the world that believed that extrovertism is the best thing that could ever happen to anyone. I had a few amazing friends and we loved to chill in nature, work on our art and read books. I've always been an empath and since an early age I was soaking up negative energies from my surroundings. But the knowledge I've gained now has really set me free.

What really triggered my awakening? It happened in the early months of 2013. I started feeling weird vibrations and sounds while going to sleep. Once I felt that my whole bed was moving. I got really scared as images from scary movies would cloud my mind. Later that month I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a bluish-whitish light disappear in front of my eyes. I randomly opened my eyes while in deep sleep, it freaked me out. I looked at my phone it was 2:32 am. I had no idea what was happening.

I started asking questions on various forums and got to know about astral projection and OOBEs (out of body experiences). That it might be my own astral body and the sight of seeing myself sleeping made me think about the physical world and woke me up. The vibrations and sounds can be explained by REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. I had had an OOBE one other time when I was 15 and felt like I was floating while sleeping and thought that it was really cool, but didn't really bother about it as I thought it might have been a dream.

I have read almost all books and articles and seen all the videos on YouTube about this phenomenon since then and learnt a lot about astral realms and other dimensions. The worlds that we simultaneously live in, all of us. These teachings have been given to us through the history of time. We were meant to go to the higher dimensions and get in sync with the real being that we are, an eternal soul, that is pure energy. Our consciousness does not need rest and we can gain knowledge higher than we ever thought was possible.

At the end I would just like to say that do not believe blindly in what your religion preaches, what the media/news shows you or what you read in a blog. Ask questions to the real you and find your own beliefs. Live your life to the fullest and believe in miracles because magic is real. See my first video ever for the whole experience.