Sunday 17 May 2015

Everything is justified

This moment we are living in, does not simply come and go. It is the only moment that ever was, and that will ever be, everything exists right now. The past and the future is a construct of our mind, as is the present.

This year 2015, has always been here and will always be here in the linear timeline of Earth, we just chose to be present at this time at this place. The Universe did not start with a big bang like we are told it did, it started with a consciousness, an observer of the moment. And in that moment lay the whole Universe.

We all live in our bodies as two perspectives, one is the experiencer of the experiences (ego self) and the other is the observer of the experiences (higher self). Our society in today's times is familiar with the first perspective and many live their whole lives as the small 'me'. Mindfulness meditation is the perfect way to start looking at life from a higher perspective. It is when you sit in meditation and simply observe your thoughts, do not judge them or be attached to them, simple be in the moment and witness the ego self. The biggest problem we have is we start judging everything that comes in our way into a label: good or evil, right or wrong, black or white. When in truth we have to understand that everything that has existence has a polarity and that every point of view of the divine is justified.

I have learnt my lesson and stopped worrying about many of my fellow humans as they have billions over trillions of lifetimes to exist here and experience the higher order and the evolution. I have stopped taking in the negativity as an empath and started shielding my aura (electro-magnetic field) to protect the Universe and the Divine inside of me and accepting all of life's perspectives as is.