Sunday 24 May 2015

Life Force Energy

Everybody has energy within their body to heal themselves of any ailment or disease. This energy is known as the Life force energy, Prana or Chi.

According to the fourth hermetic principle of the Kybalion, everything that exists consists of a polarity, a negative and a positive side or female and male counterparts which make existence possible. Even our bodies have a male and female orientation, the female energy or yin flows from the Earth through our body and the male or yang flows from the Sun. The unison of the male and female energies within the body generates the life force energy that is vital for a healthy and disease free lifestyle of which aging is not a part. It is the ultimate dose of immortality.

Everything good eventually comes down to meditation, I can not explain in words how much meditation has helped me in terms of physical, mental and spiritual evolution. So I would suggest anyone who does not do it, just take out fifteen minutes a day to tune out of the physical illusion and your higher self will thank you later, I promise. While you are meditating you are at a higher vibration of being and you can harness these free energies and let them amalgamate within you. For the accumulation of chi energy within your body, imagine the Universal energy entering from your crown chakra and the Earth energy from the root chakra. Make these energies meet at the solar-plexus chakra and radiate it outwards as a ball of protection and positive energy around your body. For the process of molecular/dna healing I suggest you listen to 432 hz healing music and do a meditation where you breathe in and imagine your heart glowing a bright crimson red and as you exhale imagine the heart expanding and bright pink light engulfing you. Color therapy helps in healing and restoring of energy.

In the ancient times we never needed to go to external sources for healing, we were our own shamans. We danced and healed ourselves, letting the energies flow through and purify us. We are energy generators and can still remember all the secrets and magic that lie within us. The information lies within each and every cell of our body, within each and every person on Earth, we just need to remember and give ourselves credit for existing as the magicians that we are.

When you start empowering yourself from within and realize your true nature, there is no force outside of you that can harm you. 

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